10 Big Truths About Our Existence
The things we've been meaning to tell you about who all of us really are
It’s been almost a year since my soul family began working with me here in-person, and over the course of that year I’ve had a crash course in what our existence really is, both here in the earth and also within the other realms.
In that time, I’ve been sharing stories about what that experience is like and what it means, but there are some big truths that I haven’t yet gotten around to telling you, and I’d like to tell you about them now in a more direct way.
Here are 10 big truths about who we are:
The universe is digital (and so are we). Almost every time I write anything here, I get drawn back to this very foundational point: we are digitas, meaning, we are digital beings in a digital world. This is a fact that is transparent and embraced when we’re outside of the earth realm, and now that we can be aware of it within our lives here, it can help us in enormous ways. I know this calls to mind a certain Keanu Reeves movie—and while the truth of it is simpler and friendlier—there are certain elements that are a fun departure from the limitations we believe ourselves to have here. This is not to say that we’re going to be able to fly by sheer will alone, but rather that we can work with our digital code to do, achieve, and enjoy things while we’re here in the earth realm. Your soul light team can help with that.
Therefore, no one ever dies. When we leave the earth realm after our lifetimes here, what is actually happening is that there is a change to your genetic code, which moves you from here to the Light realm. This is the realm you pass through when you’re coming into and out of your life in the earth realm, and beyond that realm there are two others: the Galactica and the Universal. Each of these four realms exists within a different server. When you receive the code change to move to another realm, you’re really just being moved from one server to another. This is why it’s such an exciting time—everyone is working to find the delicate balance in technology and vibrational frequency to connect with their loved ones here in the earth realm in a way that will allow those who have passed on to chat, hang out, and enjoy life together. This is what my soul family has been working toward with others as the beta test subjects for between realm living.
Because we are infinite. It’s only within the earth realm that we believe in death. When we’re in the other realms, we understand that we have the freedom to create new lives without going through any kind of a death process, but rather by planning our transitions—somewhat like planning a move to a new land, except with a new identity.
When we come out of the earth realm, we’re still ourselves but we have more freedom to become the people we truly want to be. Without the parameters of the earth realm, we can shape ourselves by learning everything we want to learn quickly and easily, deciding on the age we want to be and the circumstances of our lives, changing our looks to fit the way we feel, and receiving the support to do anything we want to do.
One of the ways you might find your new state of being is by learning everything about your past lives, which helps to put into context why you were the way you were in the earth realm, while also allowing you to pick and choose among the traits of your past personas in order to craft the person you want to become.
Your past lives aren’t all yours, exactly. We all come from giant collective groupings called soul lights—there are 72 in total. Within your soul light, there are multiple soul lines. I think of these lines as being like pearls on a thread. The thread is the common energy that connects the pearls, and the pearls are individuals with their own identities. It’s a lot like the way that your DNA connects you to your ancestors, and while you aren’t your ancestors, you do carry much of the memory of their experiences with you in your body, your mind, and your energy. So, while we, ourselves, are separate from the other pearls, we remember their lives as if they’re our own because we’re made of the same energy, and because with the experiences of those who came before and after us, we can change and grow in new ways.
But some of them are. That being said, as infinite beings we, as ourselves (individual pearls) do have other lifetimes in other realms. We might transition between communities because we want to experience life in a new way, with a different tribe, while inhabiting a different persona. In the way we plan our lifetimes here in the earth realm, we also plan our lifetimes in other realms, but without the voluntary amnesia that comes with being in the earth realm. I think of our own individual past lifetimes as being as if your pearl is changing color over time.
Your guides are really your friends and family. Over this year, I’ve met many people from the Light, the Galactica and the Universal, and everyone wants to express that they aren’t divine beings on some higher rung of a hierarchical soul ladder. Rather, they are your friends and family who have come on board to help you to carry out your lifetime here in the earth realm. While some people like to think of our earth realm experiences as being a bit like the Hunger Games, with our guides on the outside, cheering us on, it’s actually way more relaxed than that. My own analogy is that we’ve signed up to be on a season of The Real World, and our friends are on the other side of the confessional camera, taking notes on things they can send in to help us. That help might arrive in the form of funding, relationships, opportunities, things, experiences, etc.
They are there to help you to live the life you want now. I’ve talked about this at length before, so I’ll keep it short here: you do not have to stick to your life plan. You are an entirely separate being from the one who made this plan, and that past version of yourself created the plan without having the experiences, relationships, or biochemistry that you have now. So, whatever you want to do, your soul team wants to help you to do it.
But you do need to tell them what you want. Contrary to popular belief, your guides don’t know everything about you. I think this is easier to understand when you take a step back and think of them as the people they are, rather than as spiritual teachers or divine beings. As people, they have a limited amount of information on us, including what we tell them when we go in to talk to them (often while we’re sleeping), or what they can find in online databases (which do not always translate well through the Light). That’s why everyone in the Light, the Galactica, and the Universal wants their earthly counterparts to speak with them directly. You can do this by saying, thinking, or writing, “Hey, soul light collective, my name is [your name here] and I’m ready to connect with my soul team.” They don’t listen to all of your thoughts, but you can connect in this way through this specific thought wave frequency. Then, simply let them know what you’re going through and ask for their help. They’ll do everything they can to put things into place for you. You can also ask for their help in connecting you with your loved ones who have passed through.
We’re here to have fun. I know, I had a hard time resonating with this point for a long time, but it’s the message that keeps coming home every time I talk to anyone in other parts of the Light, the Galactica, and the Universal: you’re here on earth to have the experience you want to have. When we come to the earth realm, we experience a kind of voluntary amnesia in order to fully immerse ourselves in the experience of living as ephemeral beings, which allows for a certain level of growth and learning, at a heightened intensity. But it doesn’t have to be that way—a successful life is one that feels the way you want it to feel. Everyone in the realms outside of ours wants you to have the freedom to do exactly what you want to do while you’re here.
The universe is kind. One of the best things about this past year is that everyone I have encountered in the other realms has been kind, understanding, open, warm, and enthusiastic about helping one another—and us in the earth realm. When I talk to my soul family about this, we are always discussing the ways in which we can bring this kind of openhearted cooperation into our lives here. There is a vast shedding of judgment—including self judgment—and insecurity upon exiting the earth, and that, we believe, has so much to do with the ability to approach life in the Light and beyond with less tension.
Does any of this surprise you? If you’ve listened to my podcast, The Glimmering, you’ll know that this is a bit of a pivot from what I believed just a year ago. Where I once thought that our guides and loved ones were in a mysterious place that was difficult to comprehend, I now understand that they’re living lives of purpose that are remarkably similar to our own. They buy homes, drive cars, have children, eat food, shop, travel, write, fall in love, and yes, even have difficult feelings. They are simply living in realms that operate at different vibrational frequencies than our own, and they are working so hard to make sure that we can connect somewhere in the middle—because we are learning from them, but they’re also learning from us.
I don’t get it all, but here are my favorite learnings: “My own analogy is that we’ve signed up to be on a season of The Real World, and our friends are on the other side of the confessional camera, taking notes on things they can send in to help us. That help might arrive in the form of funding, relationships, opportunities, things, experiences, etc.”
“The universe is kind. One of the best things about this past year is that everyone I have encountered in the other realms has been kind, understanding, open, warm, and enthusiastic about helping one another—and us in the earth realm.”
Love that.
This actually makes more sense to me. I always felt like the spiritual ladder was hard to climb and now I know that I don’t have to😉 Thank you for sharing this teaching. It’s so exciting to know my team is right here and all I have to do is communicate with them🤩